2024 Regional Symposium Series
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Progam & CE Info
DAY 1 - 04 DEC 2024
9:00 AM – 5:30 PM (CST) Coming to you LIVE from Adler University and Online!
Welcome 9:00A – 9:30A (Dr. William Brim, Dr. Lisa Coleman, Dr. Stephen Bowles, Dr. Joseph Troiani, and Dr. Denise Dailey)
Military Psychology Foundation 9:30A-10:00A (Dr. Paul Bartone)
Physical and Virtual Healing Environments: Tools for Healing Trauma, Loss and Isolation 10:00A -11:30A (Paul Alt, AIA and Dr. James Munroe) (1.5 CE)
Senior Chief Shannon Kent Memorial Lecture 11:30A-1:00P (Dr. Bart Buechner, Amy Fitzgerald, M.Ed., M.A., Marty Fitzgerald, M.B.A, Sherida Marshall, M.A.) (1.5 CE)
Bibliotherapy and Veterans 1:00P- 1:30 P (Dr. Jeannine Uzzi) 1:00P- 1:30P
Poster Presentations 1:30P- 2:00P- (Natasha Lane MA, ENS, MSC, USN)
Emory Healthcare Veterans Program 2:00p- 3:00P- (Joshua Moss OIF/OEF Army SFC Ret.)
Aircraft Carrier Psychology 3:00P- 4:00P (Lt Lynnea Vis)
Operational Psychology and Special Ops 4:00P-5:30P (Lt Col Neysa Etienne, Dr. Scott Johnston, MAJ David Barry, and LCDR Brendon Finton) (1.5 CE)
DAY 2 - 05 DEC 2024
9:00 AM – 5:30 PM (CST)
Ukraine Update (Division 19 Activity in Ukraine) 9:00A-10:30A (Dr. Bruce Crow) (1.5 CE)
University of Denver 10:30A- 12:00P (Dr. Katy Barrs) (1.5 CE)
Israeli MH Civilian and Military Mental Health 12:00P- 1:30P(Dr. Nathan Ainspan)(1.5 CE)
Warrior Care Network- Wounded Warrior Project 1:30P-2:30P (Dr. Erin Fletcher) (1 CE)
Rush University 2:30P- 3:30P (Dr. Brianna Werner, Dr. Joel Wyatt, Dr. Chelsea Shotwell-Tabker, Dr. Jennifer Coleman, Dr. Jon Murphy) (1 CE)
Advocacy Committee Update 3:30P-4:30P (Dr. Crow and Dr. Troiani) (1 CE)
SLP 4:30P- 5:30P (Dr. Stephen Bowles, LCDR Sydney Hoover, CPT Erika Gray, LT Austin Hamilton, Dr. Ryan Hess, Lt Anna Gai Donaldson, and LCDR Eric Neumaier) (1 CE)
DAY 3 - 06 DEC 2024
9:00 AM – 5:30 PM (CST)
Enhancing Leadership and Family Engagement for Sustainable Military Recruitment and Retention 9:00A- 10:30A (Deja Brewster, M.A.M.P) (1.5 CE)
National Security 10:30A- 11:30A (Dr. Troiani) (1 CE)
Healing in Color: Perspectives from Mental Health Providers of Color Serving Military and Veterans 11:30A- 1:00P (Tosin Adebiyi, MD, Mariel Ruiz-Stasiuk, Psy.D., and Denise Dailey, Psy.D., Juliet Gutierrez, AM, LCSW ) (1.5 CE)
Diversify Rehabilitation Group from Vancouver Clinic 1:00P-2:30P (Derek Sienko, M.A. Chief Executive Officer) (1.5 CE)
Poster Presentation: 2:30P-3:00P ( 1:30P- 2:00P- Cody Hatcher and Nicole Messner,)
Military Sexual Trauma: How to Support Our Troops 3:00P-4:00P (Dr. Diandra Poe and Kimberly Henry, LSW)
Leadership Practice and Wellbeing 4:00P- 5:00P (Dr. Tim Hoyt, Dr. Rebecca Porter, and Dr. Stephen Bowles)(1 CE)
- Attendance is required for the entire length of the presentation you are requesting CEs for. Attendance will be monitored by our team throughout each day, so make sure your display name is your full name!
- You must complete the post-presentation survey for CE credits for each presentation. Plus, it always helps getting authentic feedback to make next year’s RSS awesome!
- Emails about final steps to get your CEs will be sent out after the conclusion of the RSS.
View Previous Year’s Programming
Division 19: Society for Military Psychology is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. Division 19 maintains responsibility for this program and its content.