To be eligible for posting, announcements must be brief (no longer than one page) and contain the following information:
– Project title and short summary including purpose of the research.
– Name of principal investigator(s) (PI) and faculty advisor (if a student).
– Name and location of sponsoring institution, and department (if college or university).
– Contact information for above, including phone and email.
– Inclusion and exclusion criteria.
– What is required of participants.
– Any risks associated with participation.
– Explanation of how confidentiality of information will be assured.
– Name and contact information for Institutional Review Board that approved the study, and date of approval.
– Date of planned end to data collection (so we know when to remove posting).
**Including a flyer and graphics will increase engagement**
Depending on volume, research project announcements may be consolidated and posted to the listserv on a quarterly basis. Please send announcements to for the general listserv and for student listserv.