The Military Psychologist






Spring 2021 Vol. 36, No. 1


Summer 2021 Vol. 36, No. 2


Fall 2021 Vol. 36, No. 3


Spring 2020 Vol. 35, No. 1


Summer 2020 Vol.35, No2


Fall 2020 Vol. 35, No. 3


Spring 2018 Vol. 33, No. 1


Summer 2018 Vol. 33, No. 2


Fall 2018 Vol. 33, No. 3

Instructions For Contributors To The Military Psychologist Newsletter
Please read carefully before sending a submission.

The Military Psychologist encourages submission of news, reports, and noncommercial information that (1) advances the science and practice of psychology within military organizations; (2) fosters professional development of psychologists and other professionals interested in the psychological study of the military through education, research,   and training; and (3) supports efforts to disseminate and apply scientific knowledge and state of the art advances in  areas relevant to military psychology. Preference is given to submission that have broad appeal to Division 19 members and are written to be understood by a diverse range of readers. The Military Psychologist is published three times per year: Spring (submission deadline January 20), Summer (submission deadline May 20), and Fall (submission deadline September 20).

Preparation and Submission of Feature Articles and Spotlight Contributions. All items prepared for submission should be directly submitted to The Military Psychologist email: Questions about which section your submission best fits, please reach out to the section editors directly for guidance: Feature Articles (Taylor Zurlinden:, Trends Articles (Bri Shumaker:, Spotlight on Research Articles (Christine Hein:, and Spotlight on History (Austin Hamilton: For example, Feature Articles highlight the interests of most Division 19 members; Spotlight on Research Submissions are original, quantitative studies more succinct in nature than other scholarly articles. For full-length research articles, please consider submitting to the Division 19 Journal, Military Psychology through the online submission portal:

Articles, including references, must be in electronic form (word compatible), must not exceed 3,000 words, and should be prepared in accordance with the seventh edition of Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA-7). All graphics (including color and black-and-white photos) should be sized close to finish print size, at least 300 dpi resolution, and saved in JPG, GIF, TIF, or EPS formats. Submissions should include a title, author(s) name, telephone number, and email address of corresponding author to whom communications about the manuscript should be directed. Submissions should include a statement that the material has not been published or is under consideration for publication elsewhere. It will be assumed that the listed authors have approved the manuscript.

Items for the Announcements section should be succinct and brief. Calls and announcements (up to 300 words) should include a brief description, contact information, and deadlines. Digital photos are welcome. All announcements should be sent to the Announcements Section editor, Grace Seamon (

Review and Selection. Every submission is reviewed and evaluated by the Section Editor, the Editor in Chief, and editorial staff for compliance to the overall guidelines of APA and the newsletter. In some cases, the Editor in Chief may also ask members of the Editorial Board or Executive Committee to review submissions. Submissions well in advance of issue deadlines are appreciated. The Editor in Chief and the Section Editors reserve the right to determine the appropriate issue in which to publish an accepted submission. All items published in The Military Psychologist are copyrighted by the Society for Military Psychology unless in the public domain.